My weekend has sucked so far... I was basically dragged to a family friends party and most of the time i was trying to forget that having allergies was causing me to almost
not breath, and the rest of the night i was sleeping on the hosts sons bed... However the weather was nice, and i was allowed to dress up because of the occasion of VAPPU (:
My life has been quite hectic with the move and all. Finding new friends wasn't a problem though. My schools great; learning Swedish is a breeze, catching up on Finnish is a pain, and History... well lets just not go there.
My dad told me that our container is in Rotredam and they're going to make a thorough check of all our belongings........ After the check they might put the belongings on a truck, so it comes faster! My daddy says they'll be in Helsinki in about 2weeks - a month :D celebrate with me (: and anyway, it's May 1st: VAPPUU :D:D
I'm in desperate need of three things.
1. n a o m i v e r o n i c a
2. n i c o l a l o u i s e
3. cheap shoes from apapa market...
but that's about it ... cheerio chaps, my fellow brotherins... <3 Hur är det? Theres your language fix for the blog :D